Saturday, April 24, 2021

2021 essay

2021 essay

2021 essay

1/28/ · Rough Work and Pre-writing using the ESSELGO and related techniques for UPSC Essay topic Next, I move on to generating points and arguments using the BGInS Cheat Code as prescribed by the ESSELGO method. To do this, I use the keywords generated during Structured Brainstorming which proved quite helpful in covering the various dimensions associated with this Ravi Kapoor About Essay Exploration and development of oil and gas fields at home and abroad is getting harder and more complex, and a large number of new technologies keep emerging. Its complexity and high degree of intersection have brought many new problems to scientific researchers 3/21/ · is our chance to start fresh, to move forward and to build a strong future. Forget your difficult experiences and be proactive about your future. Each positive step forward takes you towards your goal and towards success

UPSC CSE Mains Essay paper Solved, analyzed and super-simplified » Becoming IAS

I want to put myself in their shoes and understand their biggest challenges. Which is 2021 essay my approach in this article will be to show you how to write 2021 essay good essay on one of the topics as well as to take you through the entire process of brainstorming, argument-formation, rough work, structuring and organization of the essay as I went through it, 2021 essay.

This will not only enrich you about the essay topic under consideration but also teach you how to use the techniques to construct a similar essay on any topic, 2021 essay. As I deconstruct the relationship between T1 and T2, I realize that the relationship between T1 and T 2 is that one of them is supposedly 2021 essay culmination of the other across the journey of life.

I made a note of this relationship R between T1 and T2 without imputing any judgements or jumping to pre-conceived notions about what it all means. I use the 12QC technique to generate these points which helps me activate the relevant networks of my knowledge network in order to obtain the best ideas. I then highlight negative and positive sounding words as suggested by Structured Brainstorming and 12 QC techniques.

This makes me realize that this essay topic crisscrosses over many debates and 2021 essay such as Biology, environment, psychology, Ethics etc. The next step was to understand the essay topic right down to its core. So I drilled down into the relationship between T1 and T2 using the 4Q method. I realized that this topic is essentially another variation of an age-old debate between Biology and Ethics.

It also undercuts the debate between lifespan development and the evolution of Ethical behavior in humans since the Relationship R speaks of 2021 essay as a journey from being human to being humane. I note these keywords under T1 and T2 for use 2021 essay on.

This is where the ESSELGO Essay Generation Algorithm method is introduced. The ESSELGO is a powerful and universal template for tackling virtually any essay topic under the sun.

As a side note, ALL the essay topics in the UPSC Mains Essay paper can be deconstructed in to T1 and T2 perfectly and beautifully written about using the ESSELGO method. I begin by using the 4Q2 method to construct an impactful introduction and make a schematic for the same in the Rough work space. Here, 2021 essay, I make sure to gain clarity about the crux of 2021 essay essay topic and begin to give my arguments some structure.

The listed keywords provide a lot of content ideas and insights about the topic which I listed under the appropriate category on the right side of the page which constitutes the IRW Intelligent Rough Work technique for pre-writing and Rough-work as shown in the image below.

Next, I move on to generating points and arguments using the BGInS Cheat Code as prescribed by the ESSELGO method. To do this, 2021 essay, I use the keywords generated during Structured Brainstorming which proved quite helpful in covering the 2021 essay dimensions associated with this topic.

These arguments and points provide further structure to the body of the essay which I will use while writing the main essay. The ESSELGO and BGInS method inspired in my mind, a good way to structure this 2021 essay. Which would be to talk about what happens when human beings are not humane and then to talk about what happens when they are, to contrast the resulting worlds from these 2 value-stance and then conclude with a way forward. After extensive use of BGInS and various other Cheatcodes, 2021 essay, I use the SCoReF method to produce a positive and optimistic conclusion about the future and highlight the mechanisms which can be used to resolve the issue between human-ness and humane-ness before putting the debate to rest.

LIFE IS A LONG JOURNEY BETWEEN HUMAN BEING AND BEING HUMANE. This is because to be a human being means much more 2021 essay being a biological species amongst other species of organic life, 2021 essay. To be a human being means to be a biological, social, economic, emotional, spiritual and a moral 2021 essay simultaneously. However while all humans are morally responsible agents, not all humans are humane beings 2021 essay implies correct moral action and motive on behalf of the agent.

A humane being, therefore, 2021 essay, is a morally-driven being which is not always the case with homo sapiens, 2021 essay. It is no coincidence that most if not all major religions of the world have stressed upon the primacy of ethical behavior. From the theory of Karma entrenched in Hinduism and Buddhism, to the idea of forgiveness and 2021 essay of Christ, the message is simple and clear- Be good to one another.

Be more than human and strive to be humane. The fate of humanity and the planet may rest upon it. Human beings possess a tremendous 2021 essay of behavioral potential. Which is to say that they are moldable and flexible creatures capable of achieving god-like feats but equally capable of perpetrating great evil.

During World War 2, 6 million Jews were persecuted and systematically murdered in death factories, the most infamous of which is the Auschwitz concentration camps. Here, Jews were kept prisoner, robbed of their dignity and their lives by another group of homo sapiens who believed themselves to be superior, 2021 essay. This incident remains forever embedded in our collective history as the most inhumane and terrible of episodes which demonstrates the potential of humans to be morally abhorrent beyond imagination, 2021 essay.

It stands as a testament to what happens when human beings fail to be humane beings. This means that the human civilization is impacting every aspect of the planets life-system immensely whether positively, negatively or consciously and unconsciously.

Scientists estimate that human beings are responsible for the extinction of thousands of species and severe climate change which threatens the survival of countless other surviving species. The rate at which Carbon emissions have increased resulting in an unprecedented increase in Global temperatures suggests that the impact of human beings on the planet will be severe not only for other species but for the future generations of human beings themselves.

As the generation of people capable of stopping or reversing cataclysmic climate change, it befalls on the humans alive today to accept moral responsibility of their actions or inactions. Despite of strong evidence to the dangers of climate change, world leaders and governments have failed to cooperate and take swift action. This inexplicable lack of motivation in the face of certain destruction, proves that intelligence alone is insufficient for survival or prosperity.

Despite it all, there are exemplars of ethical behavior amongst the species who are revered as saints for their selfless actions- Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, The Dalai lama to name a few. This proves beyond doubt that humans possess the potential to achieve exceptional levels of morality and compassion. It follows that when human-ness and humane-ness combine in optimal proportions is when the most remarkable achievements of humans have come to be.

These include godly feats such as splitting the atom, travelling through space, landing on the moon and uncovering the genetic code of life itself.

The laws of physics determine how electrons are transmitted through power lines just as well as how 2021 essay energy a Megaton nuclear warhead 2021 essay release upon explosion, 2021 essay. These fundamental laws are known to humans and this knowledge gives them enormous but terrifying power.

The knowledge of nuclear physics wrought the atomic bomb but also the Information revolution which has reshaped the world as we know it. The way in which this knowledge is used is what differentiates the merely human from the humane.

The human being therefore, must do better and strive to become a humane being as a matter of survival, not merely as a matter of choice, 2021 essay. Ethical behavior is not optional, 2021 essay. For the individual human being however, 2021 essay, the journey to becoming humane is tempered by many factors and is not a one-time choice, 2021 essay.

Most factors which determine the ethical make-up of a person are strongly contingent upon their external circumstances such as ethical education, culture, role models and life experiences. This process is overshadowed by the culture and overall milieu in which the child is reared. What this implies is that morality is not set in stone. This is cause for jubilation and hope because that humans can use their intelligence to make themselves more compassionate, 2021 essay, ethical and happier as a species.

Humane-ness is teachable and learnable. Parents, schools and educational organizations should serve as playgrounds for ethical coaching and tutoring. On the scale of communities and larger populations, insights from the field of Psychology and Behavioral Economics offer usable and actionable prescriptions for large scale behavior change, 2021 essay.

One such suggestion derived from research being that pledges, commitments and formal declarations of ethical conduct should be increased. This is because once formally committed, humans experience cognitive dissonance in not following through or breaking a promise made, 2021 essay, thereby increasing the likelihood of ethical behavior. Similar research backed insights coupled with technological outreach have the potential for transforming entire communities of human beings into a 2021 essay race of humane beings.

Homo sapiens are unique in that they alone have the mechanisms and potential to transcend their 2021 essay monkey-nature. They alone can access higher realm of values which include all living beings as being connected in a unity. And the realization that it is not intelligence but compassion which is fundamental to being human, 2021 essay. The final essay which followed, ended up being written in approximately 1 hour and has a word count of exactly words which is ideal for the UPSC Mains Essay paper.

Admittedly, 2021 essay, I typed it whereas you would have had to write it on paper in the exam. Typing allowed me some editing and corrections but the quality of writing would probably have remained similar on paper vs keyboard. The images have been interspersed to aid in your understanding of the various dimensions of the topic and to help you grasp the narrative of my arguments. My observations of the essay: 1, 2021 essay. Yes it has structure. In fact more structure than I could imagine, 2021 essay.

This is the structure which I could observe:- a. Using the 4Q2 method, you made an impactful introduction. Here you first described human beings not just as a biological species, but the other finer details of how we are different than others. Then taking the line of morality you cued in the meaning of humane being, 2021 essay. Having established both things 1 and 2, 2021 essay. You describe how its relationship is ideal and not true 2021 essay all situations.

In doing this, I believe the stage is set as 2021 essay why both of these things are to be handled in the essay. Prior to this you exercised the 12Q method to get whatever relevant 2021 essay for a degree approach. Once you had it on paper, now you decided the structure and order of the ideas, 2021 essay. You begin with marvelling at how different religious concepts have captured this idea of humane-ness. Then the positive things were attributed, followed by negative ones.

Which was summed up by the fact that there must be a balance between this human being and being humane. You brought in proofs and observations as seen by psychology and proposed that it can be taught, 2021 essay, and how so too. This was 2021 essay with the idea of sustainable development and that the stages of human emotion development happens throughout life and that is the journey which was provided for elaboration.

Each idea has been presented with an example. One example in the negative thing, 2021 essay, in context of India which I would have added was the caste discrimination still prevalent in our society. Would that be a good idea? That is exactly what I learnt from your essay.

That a decent order must be maintained for the ease of examiner. In order to not disrupt the flow, I must never jumble one example after the other. It shows vision without direction. Thus planning what to write one after the other is the most important thing in a pen-paper exam as my chances of editing are nil.

IELTS Essay Predictions for January to April 2021 I IELTS Writing Task-2 Topics by Yashal

, time: 9:47

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2021 essay

Make sure you choose the persuasive argument topics with two potential sides. Because writing a persuasive essay aims to persuade the readers regarding some specific stance. For this, you need to be careful while picking the stance for your essay. If you select the side you don’t agree to; you will not be able to convince your audience about it About Essay Exploration and development of oil and gas fields at home and abroad is getting harder and more complex, and a large number of new technologies keep emerging. Its complexity and high degree of intersection have brought many new problems to scientific researchers Essays are judged in the blind. Do not include author name(s) on title page or within the body of the essay. Submit essay as a Word document at no later than 31 March Essay must be original and not previously published (online or in print) or being considered for publication elsewhere. First Prize: $3,

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