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Data analysis in research paper example

Data analysis in research paper example

data analysis in research paper example

Data analysis is an executive technical summary of the results got from a series of tests and experiments that are well written by the research paper writing help. It involves a review of gathered information for research and interpretation of the data collected using logical and analytical reasoning to determine trends, patterns, and relationships Sample Data Analysis Paper Sample Data Analysis Paper. © Houston Community rights reserved. About | Contact | Support | Contact | Support This study is premised on the research question: P – Population/Patient Problem in Parents and Sample Research Paper on Plan for Data Analysis Open Always Email: Call Now! + Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Sample Data Analysis Paper — HCC Learning Web

Paper Types. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

This work in writing examines the issues surrounding qualitative and quantitative nursing research and examines specific cases in relation to these issues specifically in the areas of ethics, rigor, data collection, and analysis and in findings arising from such research in the area of secondary analysis. Riedel, and Orsi, et al, Building capacity in nursing involves the aspect of nursing research and the contribution that are made toward the body of knowledge in nursing.

Jeffs, et al, Gough, and Land, Because the data are readily available in a useful form, the major expense of data collection is saved. In addition, a secondary data analysis may serve to identify problems to be explored further in future studies. Brosnan, Eriksen and Lin,p.

Stated, as one potential limitation of the use of national surveys is that they contain stratified data collection methods that make the requirement of complex statistical analysis. Secondary analysis of research studies tends to prevent complications as the primary study design may have flaws or the data may be too old or in the case when the variable of interest in the present study was never collected.

It is necessary to make careful examination of secondary data prior to it being used. It is necessary to answer specific questions including the following stated questions:. Questions that can be used to guide the determination of which variables in the data set are appropriate in a present study are reported to include those as follows:. Following the selection of the variables which are chosen by name the SETS generates subsets of data files which format variables and values which are defined for export.

Next, the files are directly downloaded from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention without use of the SETS. The database is imported to the SPSS and the students are able to collaborate with a statistician at the school to ensure that the appropriate statistical testing is used and the analysis can then be conducted. Students receive encouragement to document their research process in a special procedure manual used for evaluation and replication.

The course grade is reported to be based on a written report documenting the findings of the study in addition to an audiovisual presentation of the primary components of the study.

Ryan-Nicholls and Will,p. Guba,Lincoln and Guba, in: Ryan-Nicholls and Will,p. Cohn, Jia and Larson,paraphrased With the integration of research and practice, it has become critically important that quantitative study designs be of a quality that is particularly high. It is possible to be misled by the study conclusions in the case of incorrect statistical analysis or misinterpretation of that analysis.

It is reported that the Consolidation Standards for Reporting Trials CONSORT statement in was published for bringing about improvement in reporting quality of trials that were randomized and controlled. In addition, the and guidelines published by CONSORT have enhanced the transparency in reporting and enabled both editors and readers alike in gaining better comprehension of the design, conduction, and analysis of individual randomized controlled trails.

It is reported data analysis in research paper example Anthony conducted an assessment of the statistical methods that were utilized in 60 articles and published in a nursing research journal and the report states that there were indiscrepancies found in the analysis of data which included the failure in assessing the data for normal distribution, in matching the data type to the statistical test and in treating paired data pre- and post-measurements.

The work of Brosnan, data analysis in research paper example, Eriksen and Lin, reports that teaching the research process to graduate nursing students takes place in several different ways. Contained in the data sets are demographic and health status information on U. It is reported that the nursing profession has not historically made use of secondary analysis of large national database or support this approach to any extent in textbooks of published research literature.

However, data analysis in research paper example, these repositories are potentially useful for conducting research concerning myriad health issues relevant to nursing. Analysis of data collected is often questionable. The study reports that military sexual trauma was reported by Military sexual trauma screen status was significantly related to several demographic characteristics, health care services use, and military service characteristics.

Kimerling, et al,paraphrased While a great percentage of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans se Veterans Health Administration services, these data do not necessarily generalize to other health care settings. research accounting for a broader range of service-related stressors, including both military sexual trauma and combat exposure, is needed. Data management, or indeed lack of proper management of data collected often results in findings in which the data is skewed or simply incorrect.

Suris and Lind report that the VA national MST surveillance data from approximately 1. This historical definition highlights the important attributes of rigor arising in a predominantly positivist discourse. Logic and accepted systems are used in rigorous research according to Ryan-Nicholls and Will which is reported to provide strength to the arguments made by researchers when data analysis in research paper example significance of the findings.

However, compared with the extensive debate in social sciences literature, there has been little consideration in medical journals of the ethical issues surrounding qualitative research. Richards and Swartz,p. It should be properly designed and carried out by researchers with adequate levels of expertise and supervision. Participants should be fully informed of this and given the opportunity to withdraw their consent for use of their data.

If they so desire the participants should be allowed to do so. The literature reviewed in this study has demonstrated questionable approaches in qualitative research and most specifically in regards to data analysis methods and the findings rendered in some qualitative studies.

Even in quantitative studies data analysis has been found, based on the literature reviewed to be questionable. There are many considerations in nursing research that must be examined prior to ensuing in a research initiative. Nursing professionals who engage in research should necessarily interact with mentors and more experienced nursing professionals data analysis in research paper example to engaging in research to ensure that they meet the necessary standards and guidelines in order to meet the standards of rigor that are required in nursing research.

Barrett, RD Using the US Census for Research. Thousand Oaks, CA. Bibb, Sandra C. Garmon Issues Associated with Secondary Analysis of Population Health Data. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

Bierman, A. Secondary analysis of large survey databases. Max, J. Lynn Eds. Brosnan, CA, Eriksen, LR and Lin,Yu-Feng Teaching Nursing Research Using Large Data Sets. Nursing Education Journal. Educational Innovations. AugustVol. Cohn, EG, Jia, H and Larson, E Evaluation of Statistical Approaches in Quantitative Data analysis in research paper example Research. Clinical Nursing Research August Du Plessis, E and Human, SP Reflecting on Meaningful Research: A Qualitative Secondary Analysis.

Curationis, Sep, 32 3 Glenister, data analysis in research paper example, D. Journal of Research in NursingMay Haskell, S. et al Gender Differences in Rates of Depression, PTSD, Pain, Obesity and Military Sexual Trauma Among Connecticut War Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Heaton, Janet Social Research Update. Issue 22, Autumn Sociology of Surrey. Himmelfarb, N. and Mintz, J. Journal of Traumatic Stress. December Wiley Interscience. Jacobson, AF, Hamilton, P, data analysis in research paper example, and Galloway, J Obtaining and Evaluating Data Sets for Secondary Analysis in Nursing Research, data analysis in research paper example.

West J Nurs Res 15 Aug 4 : Jeffs, L et al Building Capacity for Nursing Research. Can Nurse Oct; 8 Kimerling, R, et al The Veterans Health Administration and Military Sexual Trauma. American Journal of Public Health. Decdata analysis in research paper example, Vol 97, No.

Kimerling, R. et al Military-Related Sexual Trauma Among Veterans Health Administration Data analysis in research paper example Returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. American Journal of Public Health AugVolNo. Kniepp, SM and Yarandi Complex Sampling Designs and Statistical Issues in Secondary Analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research 24 5 Mariani, L.

Content and quality of currently published phase II cancer trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology18 Orsi, AJ, et al Conceptual and Technical Considerations When Combining Large Data Sets. Western Journal of Nursing Research 21 2 Polit, DF, Beck, CT Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Statistical Analysis of Data by, PhD

, time: 5:43

Secondary Data Analysis, Research Paper Example |

data analysis in research paper example

1/21/ · It is reported that Anthony () conducted an assessment of the statistical methods that were utilized in 60 articles and published in a nursing research journal and the report states that there were indiscrepancies found in the analysis of data which included the failure in assessing the data for normal distribution, in matching the data type to the statistical test and in treating paired data (pre- This study is premised on the research question: P – Population/Patient Problem in Parents and Sample Research Paper on Plan for Data Analysis Open Always Email: Call Now! + Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins 9/20/ · The overall statistical analysis techniques utilized within this study incorporated quantitative analyses using means and variable statistics. Demographic data was analyzed in three separate time periods during the course of this study. African American women were tested to examine changes in weight, glycemic control levels and insulin levels Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

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