Saturday, April 24, 2021

Define rogerian argument

Define rogerian argument

define rogerian argument

The Rogerian model of argument was developed by Carl R. Rogers to analyze an argument while providing a middle ground between opposing parties. This model works on collaboration and cooperation. It acknowledges that an argument can be looked at from different standpoints. The objectives of the Rogerian model are 2/17/ · Presupposing that common grounds should be located to address any problem, the Rogerian argument model can be viewed as a milder approach to a specific dilemma. The model in question presupposes that any issue should be solved based on the principles of a compromise: “This way of approach is an effective avenue for good communication and good 2/20/ · Rogerian Argument: against Pro-Choice In January , the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade declared it the woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. This was the case that legalized abortions worldwide

Rogerian Argument: Definition and Examples

Are you reluctant to change your mind about certain social, political, or personal issues? Do you have an unshakable faith in a particular religion or philosophy? For example, are you absolutely certain that abortion is immoral under all circumstances? Are you categorically against animal define rogerian argument for advancements in medicine? Do you believe that criminals who have tortured and killed people should receive the death penalty? Do you believe that parents should have no more than two children because of the world population problem?

Define rogerian argument you believe it is your patriotic duty to buy solely American products? Some of our beliefs and define rogerian argument are based on faith, some on emotion, and some on logic alone.

We all hold different religious, p olitical, and personal beliefs that largely define who we are and how we think. Within the past fifty years, as the size of our global village has appeared to shrink with the use of television, define rogerian argument, fax, and jets, define rogerian argument, we have become increasingly more sophisticated and knowledgable, define rogerian argument.

As a result, most educated people now realize that few significant issues have simple solutions, define rogerian argument. Thanks to modern scholarship and research, we have come to realize that our personalities define rogerian argument thoughts are shaped to some degree by cultural expectations, define rogerian argument.

Philosophers have challenged us to recognize that our worlviews — our assumptions about reality, what is good, what is possible — are influenced by our day-to-day experiences.

Define rogerian argument have realized that define rogerian argument is nt a fixed, static entity that can be carried into a battle like a banner. One wonderful aspect of your college career is meeting different worldviews through books and through discussions with people whom you otherwise would not encounter.

Indeed, many college campuses offer a wonderful glimpse of the diversity of modern-day life. A wide-eyed glance at students at the university center on my campus, for instance, will show you Chinese students working alongside students from Africa and South America. Young women dressed in their power suits mix freely with returning older adult students. Fraternity brothers rush from place to place, dressed in their blue blazers and short haircuts, while male musicians, dressed in the tie-dyed fashions of the s and shoulder-length hair, play guitars and sing protest songs.

One result of our increasingly sophisticated world is that you cannot assume that your readers will believe or even understand everythinhg you say. On the contrary, you need to assume that your readers will doubt you.

They will question the validity of your evidence and test the logic of your conclusions. Modern readers tend to be particularly contentious when you insist on assertions that they find objectionable. Because of this shift in audience attitude, writers need to develop compelling ways of organizing and presenting arguments. When you wish to address an emotional and controversial issue and when define rogerian argument audience is likely to be threatened by your ideas, you will probably not be successful if you make your claim in the introduction of your essay or verbal argument.

No matter how thoroughly you go on to support your ideas with careful reasoning and to refute other claims such as those held by your audience respectfully, your readers have already decided to ignore you.

For example, can you imagine how your roomate would respond if you remark that he or she is a terrible slob? Even if you follow up your comment with photographs of the dirty dishes, cluttered rooms, and soild carpet left in his or her wake, can you imagine that the final outcome of your detailed presentation might be resolution?

More likely you will face anger, bitterness, and denial. Watch your introductory prepositions! Most of us tend to resist change and are threatened by ideas that challenge what we believe. Also, most of us dislike being told what to do and how to think, so even if our brains tell us to agree, our emotions and egos tell us to shut down and ignore what we are hearing, define rogerian argument.

A male chauvinist who believes that women are intellectually inferior to men will be unlikely to listen to your argument that women are as intelligent as men. Your quotes from world-renowned educators and philosophers and your statistics from the Stanford-Blinet or SAT, GRE, and MCAT scores would probably be dismissed as inaccurate because they threaten his assumptions.

Because conflict is inevitable, we need to seek creative ways to solve complicated problems and to negotiate differences between opposing parties. Essentially, the Rogerian problem-solving approach reconceptualizes our goals when we argue. Instead of assuming that an author or speaker shoudl hope to overcome an antagonistic audience with shrewd reasoning, the Rogerian approach would have the author or speaker attempt to reach some common ground with the audience.

In terms of writing, we coud say that the Rogerian approach melds the techniques of informative analyses with those of persuasive reports. Your goal when you employ the tactics of Rogerian problem-solving is not for you to win and for your opponent to lose, define rogerian argument, a scenario that more often results in both parties losing.

Instead, you explore ways that will allow both you and your audience define rogerian argument win. adapted from Rhetoric Matters: Language and Argument in Context by Megan McIntyre and Curtis Le Van. Rogerian argument is often difficult for students to understand because it asks them to think about controversial topics in a different define rogerian argument from the perspective of someone they disagree with.

The discussions that follow are meant to help you understand the reason for and the components of an argument in Rogerian style. argue v. Inthe psychologist Carl Rogers gave a talk at the Centennial Conference on Communications at Northwestern University that changed the way we think about argument. Psychology at that time was dominated by psychologists like B. Skinner, who were learning to scientifically condition thoughts and feelings in the same way that Pavlov had conditioned his dogs to salivate at the sound of their dinner bell a half-century before, define rogerian argument.

Rogers, on the other hand, was a humanist. He believed that human speech and human cognition were interrelated and that the success or failure of one was related to the success or failure of the other. The more important a topic was to them, the more emotional the participants in a discussion became, and the more they were apt to judge what the other person was saying rather than giving it the best hearing they could. Rogers himself acknowledged barriers to this kind of understanding.

First and foremost, you have to be define rogerian argument to try it, and not many people are. It is important to note, though, that this sort of Rogerian understanding is also itself an argumentative tactic.

First, people will almost always refuse to consider something if they feel threatened by it, and Rogerian understanding reduces the threat to the opposition. Second, people reciprocate; they tend to treat others as they are treated by them. This Rogerian process started to make its way into textbooks in Richard E.

Young, Alton L. Becker, and Kenneth L. Put like this, in such a simple and reductive way, the process define rogerian argument attaining and expressing Rogerian understanding seems almost easy.

It is important to note that these are not developmental steps intended as heuristics, that indeed there are no sequential stages to a Rogerian argument. They are instead objectives to be pursued independently and recursively with the probably effect of facilitating communication.

The danger of argumentative form becoming an exclusionary force, silencing rather than evoking discussion, is therefore greatly reduced. At this point, then, define rogerian argument, you may be wondering what Rogerian argument might actually define rogerian argument like in terms of an essay for a composition class. Below are some of the strategies that you can use to negotiate consensus between opposing parties.

As usual, you should not consider the following to be a rigid formula. Instead, pick and choose from these strategies in light of your audience, define rogerian argument, purpose, and intended voice. In the introduction, identify the issue and clarify its significance. Because you need to adopt a nonthreatening persona throughout your essay, however, avoid dogmatically presenting your view as the best or only way to solve the problem.

Unlike your strategy for shaping a conventional persuasive text, at this point in your discussion you will not want to lay your cards on the table and summarize your presentation, define rogerian argument. Instead, explain the scope and complexity of the issue.

You might want to mention the various approaches that people have taken to solve the problemandf perhaps even suggest that the issue is so complicated that the best you and your readers can hope for is consensus — or agreement on some aspect of the matter. Of course, define rogerian argument, this tactic is effective only when you can indeed follow through and be as original as possible in your treatment of the subject, define rogerian argument. Otherwise, your readers may reject your ideas because they recognize that you have misrepresented yourself.

However, if you are to meet the ideals of Rogerian communication, you need to challenge your own beliefs; you must be so open-minded that you truly entertain the possibility that your ideas are wrong, define rogerian argument, or at least not absolutely right.

You … might find yourself influenced in your attitudes or your personality. Commend your roommate for helping you focus on your studies and express appreciation for all of the times that he or define rogerian argument has pitched in to clean up. And, of course, you would also want to admit to a few annoying habits of your own, such as taking thirty-minute showers or talking on your cell phone late at night while your roommate is trying to sleep!

Remember the spirit of Rogerian problem solving: your ultimate goal is not to beat your audience, but to communicate with them and to promote a workable compromise. To achieve the nonthreatening tone needed to diffuse emotional situations, avoid exaggerating your claims or using biased, emotional language.

Whenever you feel angry or defensive, take a deep breath and look for points in which you can agree with or understand your opponents. When you are really emotional about an issue, try to cool off enough to recognize where your language is loaded with explosive terms. To embrace the Rogerian approach, remember that you need to defuse your temper and set your pride and ego aside.

Admittedly, it is difficult to substantiate an argument while acknowledging the value of competing positions. Yet if you have done an effective job in the early part of your essay, then your audience perceives you to be a reasonable person — someone worth listening to.

Consequently, you should not sell yourself short when presenting your position. Because of the emotionally charged context of your communication situation, you still need to maintain the same open-minded persona that you established in the introductory paragraphs. Although your main focus in this section is to develop the validity of your define rogerian argument, you can maintain your fair-minded persona by recalling significant counterarguments and by elaborating on a few limitations of your claim.

You can also remind your readers that you are not expecting them to accept your claim completely. Instead, you are merely attempting to show that under certain circumstances your position is valid. The Rogerian method of problem solving is designed for exploring controversial interpersonal, social, and political problems. You can use these techniques to help you begin or end a personal relationship or to help you effectively communicate with your professors, etc, define rogerian argument.

Knowledge of the Rogerian method can help you deal with instances of sexual discrimination in the workplace or help you encourage insecure authorities to take the action that you want. You could use Rogerian approaches to encourage your classmates and other students at your school to be more sympatheticabout social problems such as poverty and ecological issues.

To select a subject for a Rogerian analysis, try define rogerian argument your journal and freewrite about significant interpersonal problems you have dealt with in your life. Below are a few define rogerian argument that may help you identify a subject:. To help you get a handle on which claims you are willing to relinquish and which you wish to negotiate, write a profile of your anticipated audience. Why do they think and feel my position is wrong?

Youmay find it useful to jot down your objectives as suggested in the following outline.

Rogerian Argument

, time: 9:22

What is Rogerian Argument? (Kiefer)

define rogerian argument

In the introduction to a Rogerian argument, the writer presents the problem, typically pointing out how both writer and reader are affected by the problem. Rather than presenting an issue that divides reader and writer, or a thesis that demands agreement (and in effect can be seen as an attack on a reader who holds an opposing view), the Rogerian argument does not begin with the writer's position 2/20/ · Rogerian Argument: against Pro-Choice In January , the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade declared it the woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. This was the case that legalized abortions worldwide The Rogerian model of argument was developed by Carl R. Rogers to analyze an argument while providing a middle ground between opposing parties. This model works on collaboration and cooperation. It acknowledges that an argument can be looked at from different standpoints. The objectives of the Rogerian model are

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