7/16/ · Negative Population Growth has announced this year’s winners of the Poster Scholarship Contests and Essay Scholarship Contest. 37 students from across the United States will receive scholarship awards ranging from $3, to $1, to put towards their college tuition The NPG Essay Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. You must submit an essay of between NPG, a national membership organization devoted to population issues, invites students to compete in our annual essay scholarship contest. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident who is a high school senior or a college freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled in an official undergraduate program of study for the upcoming fall semester
NPG Essay Scholarship Contest | Scholarships for College
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 16TH, Each year, NPG offers a variety of Scholarship Contests for students across the country. Contestants are invited to answer a population-related challenge, with their own experience and insight guiding their ideas for a solution.
Contests are npg essay scholarship contest to high school seniors, as well as currently-enrolled college undergraduates. Winners will receive a designated scholarship amount, paid towards undergraduate tuition at the accredited college or university they attend. As we continue our mission to inform U. It is their future quality of life which is at stake! Be sure to check back for the details each year on our Scholarship Contest, which should be posted at the beginning of each year!
NPG is pleased to offer these challenging events as part of our mission to enlist a new generation of activists, who will be focused on reversing the dangers of population growth.
We regularly receive positive feedback from students entering our scholarship contests. NPG recently received some messages from participating students:. Thank you SO MUCH! I promise to use this scholarship to further my education so that one day, I can help change the world for the better. Andrea Hoagland Digital Poster Contest. First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to you and the committee for selecting me as a finalist!
I look forward to npg essay scholarship contest back about the selection of awardees! Thank you again, npg essay scholarship contest, from the bottom of my heart, for considering me. This npg essay scholarship contest would be a game changer for me and my family, as it would allow me to finish college. Below I have included the information you requested.
Kristen Marie Bonshock Digital Poster Contest. I would like to start off by stating how grateful I am for this opportunity. Writing this essay and doing my own research on negative population growth has helped me better understand the current situation of our world.
As I pursue my education and future career path, I will keep in mind what I have learned through this application process.
Below is my additional information. I am truly honored to have been selected as a recipient of the NPG Digital Poster Scholarship Contest. Additionally, I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to take part in the contest. Completing this poster has taught me a lot more about overpopulation and its many negative effects.
I appreciate the generosity which will allow me to pursue a college education and take a step further towards my career goals. my pursuit would not have been possible without this award so once again Thank you. Ashley Whyte Digital Poster Contest. NPG sends our thanks to all of our members and friends who have so generously contributed — as well as our appreciation for the tens of thousands of students who have competed in our contests.
It is your support and participation that help make this critical program possible! Click on each name to view npg essay scholarship contest text of the winning essay. Click here to read the topic npg essay scholarship contest the Handmade Poster Contest.
Click here to read the topic for the Digital Poster Contest. Click here to read the topic for the Essay Contest. Click the name to view the text of the winning essay. Click here to read the topic for the Savings Bond Contest. Click on each name to view the text of the winning npg essay scholarship contest. Click here to read the topic for the Photo Contest.
As of January 28 thnpg essay scholarship contest,the population of the United States was estimated to be , United States Census Bureauand by the year the population is estimated to be over million people. As this growth continues, our nation will begin experiencing the negative effects of overpopulation, effects ranging from environmental impact, biodiversity loss, pollution, depletion of natural resources, and even extinction of species.
My generation will start experiencing the brunt of these effects, and even my own life will be impacted in certain aspects due to unmoderated population growth. The first aspect of my life that will be affected by unmitigated population growth is food security, for both myself and others around me. Combined with extreme climate events Food and Agriculture Organizationdroughts and loss of arable land will only be multiplied by a nationwide population growth, making this npg essay scholarship contest extremely difficult to meet.
This strain on the US food supply, and global, will begin to increase food prices and put a strain on the incomes and lives of working-class American citizens, me being one of them, and our modern way of consumption will be disrupted. Until we can begin to utilize renewable energies on a mass scale, the depletion and rampant unregulated use of fossil fuels will have numerous effects and could even trigger economic recessions. Department of State, Office of the Historian.
This brief bottleneck of access to fuel had led to a recession, causing mass unemployment and economic stagnation. The most important and impactful effect of human overpopulation in the United States is the environmental impact. Not only is our current usage of earth's resources unsustainable at our population, further population growth will only exponentially worsen this unsustainability. Not only will this make it harder for the human population to exist, this usage and growth will only increase emissions, climate change, and biodiversity loss Cambridge University Press.
This will directly impact my life inevitably, with all the exponential effects environmental destruction, overconsumption, and climate change have on anyone; an increase in the price of essentials, unemployment, droughts, poverty, etc. In conclusion, the current trend of increased population growth and the associated overconsumption will make it increasingly difficult for the average American, or human in general, to continue the normal comfortable modern way of life. With projections showing a U.
population exceeding million byour country has a serious problem. As our population grows, the consumption of goods increases. Simply put, npg essay scholarship contest, as our population changes, but our living practices do not, we are putting an expiration date on our planet. As an avid outdoorsman and member of the U. Air Force, I find myself particularly worried about my future.
My entire life, I have lived in rural areas. All of my childhood, I was free to roam beautiful landscapes right out my back door; free to explore, create, and learn from the natural world around me. I feel strongly that these opportunities have played a pivotal role in determining who I am today. In recent years, I have seen my untouched desert beauty, bulldozed to build vacation properties and my mountainsides clear-cut to make room for gated communities.
I want nothing more than to give my children and grandchildren the opportunity to experience a childhood like mine; the ability to explore, npg essay scholarship contest, and learn in the beauty of nature rather than in front of a television screen. In addition to enjoying natural wonders right outside my backdoor, my family always spent our vacations in national parks, npg essay scholarship contest.
I loved looking at the towering red rocks and listening to the stillness of the day as my family crunched up a mountain trail alone. These days, our solitary family moments are interrupted by giant, noisy lines of hikers, blasting their music as they trudge along the trail. Visitors by the tens of thousands have flocked to the parks daily where only a few years prior the trails were sparsely occupied.
This massive influx of people has ruined the opportunity to enjoy the still beauty of nature. I can only imagine what will look like as undeveloped land continues to dry up and even more people flock to the national parks for a sight of what our world used to look like.
We have a limited number of resources on this planet and are using them at an unsustainable rate. Anyone trying to buy toilet paper these days can tell you how aggressive people get when demand exceeds supply. When fossil fuels, water, food, and so many other vital quantities become increasingly scarce, I have no doubt that international relations will become tense.
Nations will become selfish, hoarding resources and waging war to get what they need and protect what they have. As a student training to become an Air Force pilot, war will directly affect my life. If that time comes, it will be me and my friends that are sent out to fight.
While a hazard of the trade, it concerns me as I think how vicious things could become unless we begin taking measures to slow population growth and consumption of resources. With current projections of a U. population around million, our country is quickly overrunning itself. I am particularly concerned about the impact this growth will have on my life. My childhood spent in nature, npg essay scholarship contest, something I would love to give to my children, is becoming a thing of the past.
Once sparsely inhabited expanses of land are becoming suburbs. As natural spaces become fewer and fewer, people are overcrowding what remains and ruining the experience of the national parks. Of bigger concern are the future conflicts over resources that could erupt in my lifetime and find my friends and I fighting for what our country needs to survive.
We need to curb population growth and I am confident that human ingenuity and the efforts of groups like NPG will allow humanity to find a way to do this while continuing to see peace and prosperity for years to come. Oracle of Multiply: My Future in an Overpopulated World. There is something peculiar and terrifying about the negative reciprocal function. Perhaps it is in the way the gentle slope of the early negatives transforms into a sheer, npg essay scholarship contest, ever increasing cliff as the graph approaches zero, npg essay scholarship contest.
What npg essay scholarship contest perhaps more terrifying is its similarity to the population growth curve. But can this graph that approaches infinity be mirrored by our growth rate in a world defined by finitudes?
Finite water, finite food, npg essay scholarship contest, finite npg essay scholarship contest, finite resources. Finite time to address the pressing ill that is American overpopulation. As I write this, I enter the twentieth day of government-mandated stay-at-home orders as part of the COVID pandemic response. Spending my days indoors, watching the death toll rise as demographers and epidemiologists estimate the impact of this crisis, a thought crosses my mind: would things have been different under lower population conditions?
But my overpopulated future may not allow for that, npg essay scholarship contest. An almost prescient article from identified the susceptibility of emerging infectious diseases from animal origins and its relationship with population density. My dream is to enter the medical field in the future. Will I be forced to treat infectious disease in my patients?
The Scholarship Essay Formula — Top 10 Things you NEED to say in your scholarship essay/ application
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Npg essay scholarship contest Npg contest scholarship essay. All things, both the evil and the good, are overruled in a way to subserve one and the same great end-- What Eternal Wisdom decreed before the the great gatsby eyes of dr. T.j. Eckleburg foundation of the world. The NPG Essay Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. You must submit an essay of between NPG, a national membership organization devoted to population issues, invites students to compete in our annual essay scholarship contest. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident who is a high school senior or a college freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled in an official undergraduate program of study for the upcoming fall semester
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