Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short essay on civilization

Short essay on civilization

short essay on civilization

1/19/ · The civilization was first discovered in at Harappa by Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni, so it is also known as Harappa Civilization. Indus valley civilization was extended in a large area. It was extended from Mand (in Jammu) in the north to Diamabad in the south and from Alamgirpur (in U.P.) in the north east to Sutkagendur (in Baluchistan) in the west 4/19/ · Short Essay on 'Civilization' ( Words) in Miscellaneous, Social Issues. The first question, what is civilization? All men have certain physical needs, needs for warmth, food and shelter; these needs man shares with animals. Savages spend, if Civilization is defined as the most advanced stage of human social development and organization. Culture on the other hand culture consists of patterns implicit and explicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols. For the growth of mankind, it is essential that the advancement of both culture and civilization go hand in hand

Short Essay on The Modern Civilization - The College Study

We believe that we live in a wonderful era, an era of all round progress. We think that we have excelled and surpassed our forefathers in almost every short essay on civilization. The twentieth century seems to us a glorious age and we pride ourselves on its achievements. No doubt, there is justification for this satisfaction and complacency. The science has made tremendous progress.

The use of machine in industry has eliminated human labour. Electricity is serving us in thousand ways. Railways, ships and aeroplanes have reduced distances and made travel fast and comfortable. Telephones and telegraphs have made communications swift and easy Cinema, radio and television have added a new charm to life Medicines and surgery have made immense strides.

Atomic energy has brought in numerous benefits upon mankind. The wonders and miracles of science would justify us in paying a tribute to modem civilization. Apart from scientific progress that makes our civilization so great, politically also much has been achieved Countries under foreign domination have been liberated Our age has seen many countries under foreign domination being liberated In the social sphere, short essay on civilization, our progress is no less marked; outdated customs are vanishing: the standard of living of people is rising, short essay on civilization.

The working class is getting better wages and more facilities. The world percentage of literacy has greatly risen. Besides, we have achieved a higher level of culture than was reached by our ancestors. We live in a truly enlightened age. There is greater refinement than ever before. People have become polished in their manners and behaviour.

There is a widespread appreciation of art and literature, a keen interest is evinced in books, periodicals, paintings, music, dancing exhibitions and the like. There is, however, a dark side of the picture as well and in any examination of modern civilization, we must not shut your eyes to it A closer scrutiny of modern civilization will reveal its defects. In the political field, for instance, there is much cause for dismay and disappointment.

Our age has been witness to two great wars that have affected humanity. Democracy has had to face short essay on civilization challenges and suffer serious setbacks. The rise of Fascism and Nazism, and Communism has been a serious menace to liberty and democracy. The loss of life and property in the two world wars was chiefly due to the deadly weapons invented by science. This shows that scientific progress has not been an unmixed blessing.

Long-range guns, flying bombs, magnetic mines, submarines, poisonous gases and, above all, the atom bomb and other nuclear weapons, represent the destructive side of science, short essay on civilization.

Again, our industrial civilization has produced an adverse effect on health and beauty. We have to live in congested towns and breathe air that short essay on civilization adulterated with factory smoke.

The use of machinery has proved a mixed blessing. The search for excitement, for pleasure, for new sensations is the order of the day. The craze for fashions in dress is widespread. All these tendencies are reflected in books periodicals, paintings and films. There is a bloom of pornography in literature. Pictures in the nude are becoming popular. Obscenity is defended in the name of art.

Religions seem to have no place in modern civilization. God and the soul are now antiquated concepts, short essay on civilization. Our civilization is purely materialistic. Spiritual values no longer govern the actions of people With the loss of spiritual faith, people have also lost their main support and source of consolation in the hour of distress.

Men do not know what to live for. Boredom with life and a feeling of ennui reflect their frame of mind. Thus a general restlessness prevails in society. Skip to content. Environmental Pollution Essay in English March 13, Knowledge is Power Essay February 14, Paragraph on Jawaharlal Nehru November 2, Short Essay on Mary Kom in English for Students and Children March 31, Essay on Dowry System March 17, Essay on Bihar in English January 5, Essay on Navratri in English September 29, Short Essay on Cinema March 13, Essay on Co education in English February 19, Close Menu.

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Civilization Essay essays

short essay on civilization

1/19/ · The civilization was first discovered in at Harappa by Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni, so it is also known as Harappa Civilization. Indus valley civilization was extended in a large area. It was extended from Mand (in Jammu) in the north to Diamabad in the south and from Alamgirpur (in U.P.) in the north east to Sutkagendur (in Baluchistan) in the west 4/19/ · Short Essay on 'Civilization' ( Words) in Miscellaneous, Social Issues. The first question, what is civilization? All men have certain physical needs, needs for warmth, food and shelter; these needs man shares with animals. Savages spend, if The Chinese Civilization essaysThe history of ancient Chinese civilization has always fascinated people, perhaps, in recent times more than ever. More than one billion Chinese people live in the world today. There are many characteristics that can unite and give a common identity to such an

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